

日本ニュース時事能力検定協会賞を受賞 (英訳あり)


The Society for Testing News Proficiency Award

Teikyo Nagaoka High School has received the Society for Testing News Proficiency's Award in recognition of our school's efforts. Our school, which is a testing site three times a year, has been encouraging our students to take the News Proficiency Test since January of 2016. We have also assigned our students previous years' test questions as homework during long school breaks as well as letting them choose their own themes for news research in order to raise their awareness of current events. In the 2019 fiscal year, the Society for Testing New Proficiency's Award was awarded to 10 schools (junior high schools and high schools), including Teikyo Nagaoka High School, throughout Japan. Under the current award standards, we are the first school in Niigata Prefecture to receive this honor.

posted at 2020.04.15
  • オープンスクール
  • デジタルパンフレット
  • ラジオ版オープンキャンパス
  • 教職員募集
教職員募集 令和7年度入学試験合否確認ページ
トップページ 帝京長岡について 学校生活 部活動紹介 お知らせ 入学希望の方へ 進路情報